
The Nine Masked Beasts (Kumenju) are entities created by the Menma through the use of the Black Nine Tails’ chakra. Five of these beast’s are described as divine beast’s (shinju), while the other 4 are referred to as divine priests (shinkan).

Menma Uzumaki summons them by forming a tiger seal, declaring “Nine Mask Svaha” (Kumen Sowaka) and chanting the kuji in, which conjures a massive mandala featuring each kanji of the kuji in encircled by the nine rings, arrayed in the same cross pattern Menma wears on his cloak. Each of the masked beast’s emerges from a specific ring.

1 – Seiryu (Literally meaning – Azure Dragon), a dragon that the resembles a seahorse. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (sei,azure).


2 – Byakko (Literally meaning – White Tiger), a lean and the slender tiger. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (byaku,white).


3 – Suzaku (Literally meaning – Vermilion Bird), a bird with the elegant and dramatic plumage. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (shu,vermilion).


4 – Genbu (Literally meaning – Black Tortoise), a tortoise with a shell made of overlapping plates. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (gen,black).


5 – Kinja (Literally meaning – Golden Snake), a massive serpent with the golden scales. It can bind opponents by the wrapping its body around them. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (ku,sky).


6 – Tennyo (Literally meaning – Celestial Maiden), an angelic priestess with the flowing robes. It uses translucent ribbons to whip at opponents. Like the Kinja, it can also bind the opponents. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (gyoku,jewel).


7 – Shinigami (Literally meaning – Death God), a priest that resembles a skeleton and carries a scythe. A swing of this scythe unleashes sickle like energy waves which drain target’s of their chakra once they have passed through them. The waves can bypass the barriers set up by the Hakuto Sennin and Nanto Sennin. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (san,three).


8 – Hokuto Sennin (Literally meaning – Northern Sage), a priest with a fox staff. In unison with the Nanto Sennin, it can trap opponent’s in purple cylindrical barriers. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (hoku, north).


9 – Nanto Sennin (Literally meaning – Southern Sage), the matching counterpart of Hokuto Sennin. In unison with the Hokuto Sennin, it can trap opponents in the purple cylindrical barriers. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji (nan,south).


When defeated, they revert to their true forms, which are nine masked fox kits (kogitsune) that each possess a single tail. They can also convert back into chakra that will arc through the air from their present location back to Menma. Once they collide with Menma, they reform into the Black Nine-Tails.


  1. I was just chatting with my coworker about this today at lunch . Don’t remember how we got on the subject in truth, they brought it up. I do recall eating a wonderful steak salad with cranberries on it. I digress

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