
Something About Itachi And Izumi Relationship

Itachi And Izumi: When Izumi father die during the Nine Taile Demon Fox Attack on Konoha she awaken her Sharingan even earlier than Itachi Uchiha himself.

However she was not able to handle it for long quickly unconsciousness every time

she activate it as she lack the necessary chakra level’s.


This did not get better as Izumi still unconsciousness even when she was getting closer to her graduation into The genin.

In the anime it was note that she had especially advance In The taijutsu prowess.

It was implied that IzumiUchiha was skilled

It was implie that Izumi Uchiha was skill as a kunoichi for graduating a year earlier than other’s.

In her early Academy days Izumi learn that she would be classmates with ItachiUchiah where she became in fatuate with him.

Eventually she earn his acceptance when she defende Itachi from older Academy student’s like Izumo Tenma (one of Itachi future teammates)

who was jealous of UchihaItachi advance skill’s by using his Sharingan.

When Izumi was 11 years old and about to graduate early Izumi Uchiha and ItachiUchiha stop at a tea shop for a rest.

where UchihaItachi former team mate Shinko Inari was now a waitress at Here Itachi Uchiha question her on her desire to grow The stronger.

She explain’s her desire to grow The stronger to help others is inspire by her father sacrifice

but Itachi perseverance on her abandoning her resolve made her cry and Izumi left.

Eventually Izumi Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha were seen as a couple by many of their peers.

During the Uchiha downfall, UchihaItachi proceed to kill Izumi and her mother.

He lure her mom away kill her then proceed to approach Izumi and place her under an extremely powerful Tsukuyomi

where she live her entire like in less than 0.00000001/th of a sec. in her dream she became a chunin,

retire from shinobi to become Itachi wife and raise there children.


She live until 80years old before dying of old age alongside Uchiha itachi,

because her mind was department from reality in such a manner.

Izumi collapse in UchihaItachi’s arm dying. Uchiha Izumi thank Itachi for giving her the life she always want with him even if it was just a dream.

UchihaItachi thank her for loving him as she pass away peacefully.

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